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Seminars at LRTS


|In Brief|Introduction|Infrastructure|


The Radiocommunications and Signal Processing Laboratory (LRTS) has as objective to coordinate efforts and to integrate research projects in the vast field of radiocommunications and signal processing. This has lead to the development of a large and successful research group, counting more than forty full time graduate students supported by an able core of five professors: Jean-Yves Chouinard, Paul Fortier, Benoît Gosselin, Amine Miled and Dominic Grenier. The laboratory enjoys the benefit of collaborating with a number of external institutions and counts many Adjunct Professors.

The present main themes of research at the laboratory are digital personnal and mobile communications, communications and signal processing, microwave circuit and antenna array technology, radar signal processing and systems, data fusion (NSERC Collaborative Project with Lockheed Martin Canada). The laboratory and its members are funded by FQRNT and NSERC, the Quebec and Canadian Government granting agencies for academic research.

The research project in "antenna arrays" aims at developing switched beam antennas for satellite mobile communication. This research is linked to other research work being carried out in the laboratory, namely performance evaluation of narrowband and wideband systems for microcellular applications, adaptive control of antenna systems, direct RF beamforming with microstrip Rotman lenses.

The research program in "data fusion", in collaboration with the Defence Research Establishment, Valcartier focuses on multi-sensor and multi-platform fusion of data coming from different sensors and different sensor types. The NSERC collaborative project with Lockheed Martin Canada focuses specifically on the Fusion of imaging and non-imaging sensors.

The laboratory endeavours to maintain a strong experimental and/or application-oriented research program while staying at the forefront in fundamental research, where the themes of research have often their root in problems encountered in the more practically-oriented projects. These activities are highly motivating for many graduate students. The laboratory has a successful history of industrial collaboration. In particular collaboration over the years with Lab-Volt Quebec Limited has brought about the development of training systems in analog and digital communications, microwave, and radar.

The laboratory is also in good position to collaborate with colleagues and fellow researchers in signal processing and microwave instrumentation, as well as in the neighbouring fields of photonics and VLSI.
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